Notiziario Allergologico 2024 vol. 42 n.1


Editorial edited by Gianni Mistrello


Nasal Cytology in Rhinoallergology

Clara Imperatore

Specific immunotherapy and tolerance: regulatory ILC2s
Lorenzo Cosmi

Anaphylaxis: 10 steps to recognise and manage this emergency
David González-de-Olano


An unusual case of contact allergy to gold
Brazão C. et al.

Development of food allergy after liver transplantation
Horwich B.H. et al.

AD patients: which fabrics to wear?
Jaros J. et al.

Dupilumab and risk factors for hypereosinophilia in severe asthma
Li Y. et al.


Relationship between allergen immunotherapy and innovation: an international survey

Use of allergen immunotherapy in pregnancy and lactation